Lake Tuscaloosa News Article

What Every Boater Wants for the Holidays: 24/7 On-Water Assistance from TowBoatUS

BoatUS News
Posted: 11/14/2022

BoatUS News

Gadgets may make good holiday gifts. However, for a boater, having 24/7 on-the-water help just a call away is much better. Like belonging to an auto club for recreational boat owners, a BoatUS Unlimited Towing Membership provides professional on-water towing services by the TowBoatUS fleet - the nation’s largest network. It’s the perfect gift for the boater that continues to give all year long.

A BoatUS Towing Membership takes care of the unexpected problems such as engine breakdowns, dead batteries, running out of fuel or running aground. Tows back to the launch ramp, home dock or marina are included for one low price. Boaters without BoatUS towing services face costs averaging more than $850 per incident.

For saltwater boaters, an annual membership is just $165 per year, while freshwater boaters pay just $99. Calling for on-water assistance is made easy with BoatUS App, which connects a boater to the closest local towing captain, speeding response times.

All memberships include more than 25 valuable benefits and exclusive discounts as well as a subscription to award-winning BoatUS Magazine. BoatUS also fights for boat owner’s rights on Capitol Hill, and supports boating safety and clean water through the BoatUS Foundation.

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